Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Roasted Veggies

This is me, writing a post that is short, sweet and to the point!  No long, drawn-out recipe for this delicious dish. The cauliflower and sweet potato fries were coated with non-stick spray (olive oil) and tossed in a baggie with some nutritional yeast and lots of Mrs. Dash seasonings.  Spread in a single layer on a baking sheet and pop in a 350-375 oven until tender and browned (anywhere from 20-35 minutes).  The kale chips are one of my new favorite foods and coated with the same yummy stuff as the roasted veggies. Cook these green leafy beauties in an oven no hotter than 350 degrees and check frequently.  (They will turn brown and burn quickly.) I start with 10 minutes, flip the kale and cook another 2-5 minutes, never turning my back on them.  They are ready when they are crispy crunchy. I whipped up a home made ketchup using tomato paste, veggie broth, a splash of tamari, a bit of sweetener and some powdered onion and garlic. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Faux Tuna Salad with Briny Tahini Mayo

How is it that I cook, photograph food and do dishes all day long and haven't managed a recent post on this food blog since May of last year?  Whaaat?  May?  Are you kidding me?  AND I just found a draft of a partially written entry about my infamously good BBQ sauce in the pergatory file.  On hold.  Until when, she asks?  Time to get a grip. Time to make a command decision.

Post or get out of the kitchen! And we know the latter ain't happening any time soon.  So, a bit of compromise is needed here.

Photos of food will start magically appearing more frequently on this blog. That shouldn't be too hard to do, considering my last post was in May!  Even without full recipes. That, my friend, is what keeps the posts from happening.  The time to write up a recipe, if it's a dish I have created, takes an entire morning.  I'm just that slow.  Many of the dishes I prepare are found in cookbooks, on the internet, or a combo of outside sources and my tweaking. If there is a link to go with the dish I've prepared then I'll add it here and not worry so much about originality.  It's food, not brain surgery!  And I'll give credit where credit is due.  Always.

Without further ado, here's a keeper.  The recipe is now handy in the pages of this food journal so I can make it again.  And again.  Thanks, Molly, for granting me permission to share. And for providing us foodie types who have healthy proclivities a safe place to review, rant, post and let our hair down. Here's to US!

Grab your official link to Faux Tuna Salad with Briny Tahini Mayo here and be prepared to have your taste buds titillated. Molly's clever prose fills the first part of the page.  Scroll to the very bottom of her link for the recipe. I love Molly's site and am a member of the closed group on FaceBook, too. It's a perfect fit for me. and the best ever support group for my WFPB (Whole Food Plant Based) lifestyle.  The people who stalk there are supportive, helpful and funny as all get out!

Without further ado!  Photos of the prep for Molly's Tuna fish salad.  

mash, mash, mash

chop, chop, chop

dice, dice, dice

dried dill, salt and pepper to taste

For the Briny Tahini Mayo, in a blender,
dulce flakes, garlic, tahini (ume plum vinegar not pictured here),
and a few other ingredients.  Follow Molly's recipe!
A stalk of celery never tasted so good.
 Served up with a side of Kale chips and orange bell pepper strips.

