This blog was originally created to help me keep track of my creative food exploration. Last year at this time, I was preparing to leave Tulsa and fly to Idaho. Mom needed a bit of help and I felt lucky I could do it.
Preparing healthy meals is high on my list of things I consider, no matter where I am. So, I snapped some photos of my more favorite dishes and wrote up some recipes. Posting them to this web log served as a cookbook reminder of sorts and I referred to it a number of times while 'cheffing' in Mom's northwest kitchen.
Turn the page to now, November 2012. It's been many months since I posted anything to this blog except for a new banner photo. This 'vegetarian delight' stuffed pita pocket served as my reminder to get a move on and update my food journal. So much 'life' has happened since I added recipes to this site. The biggest food related change was my switch from low calorie/low fat foods to mostly 'whole foods.' More specifically, a change to veganism or being
nutritarian. My main goal was to kick my huge sugar habit (Starburst Jelly Beans being my drug of choice). Secondary benefits were the possibility of losing a few extra pounds I'd been comfortably carrying ever since I quit smoking.
With me, nothing is ever half way. I committed to this cleaner-eating regimen in early March 2012 (eight months ago). Since then I have read and researched all kinds of nutritional information, soaking up lots about veganism, vegetarian habits, the Paleo diet, DASH, and the Ornish diet. There are as many opinions about what is best for us as there are diets.
Additionally, I was interested in trying to drastically lower my cholesterol (one of the few ways I can reduce risk of heart disease) and work toward going off my blood pressure medication. I couldn't see being able to do this unless I followed a fairly restricted diet plan. I am happy to report that I was able to accomplish all of the above stated goals. Since this diet works for me, it's the path I will stay on for now. Kicked my candy habit, went off my blood pressure medication, impacted my cholesterol numbers in a way I didn't even believe possible and took off about 10 pounds of 'quit-smoking' weight. Then I challenged myself to a
physical fitness program that was more than I've ever done before. And here we are, at the present and wrapping up 2012.
It is at this writing that I begin posting updated dietary delights. Bon Apetit!